Fake Lloyds Bank Letters

Lloyds customers should be on the lookout for a new sophisticated fraud that involves fraudsters sending fake bank letters.

The convincing letters being sent are a replica template from Lloyds and include their logo, address and signature from a customer service representative.
The letter tells recipients that there have been some “unusual transactions” on their personal account and asks them to call a number highlighted in bold to confirm they are genuine.
When victims call the number, an automated welcome message is played and the caller is asked to enter their card number, account number and sort code followed by their date of birth.Victims are then instructed to enter the first and last digit of their security number.
The fraud was spotted by the Daily Telegraph who was alerted to it by a reader who had three identical letters sent to an office address. On separate occasions the Daily Telegraph ran some tests using fake details and were passed to fraudsters who claimed to be from a Lloyds contact centre. The bank has confirmed that the phone number and letters are fake.
The letters are essentially a sophisticated phishing attempt and serves as a warning to consumers to question written correspondence from their banks.

If you are ever suspicious about correspondence from your bank you should call the customer serviced number on the back of their card.
To report a fraud and cyber crime, call us on 0300 123 2040 or visit http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud

Chain Saw Thefts

Subject: PCSO Mel Oliveira ~ Thefts of Chain Saws from across the North Cotswolds

During the hours of darkness from Sunday 11/12/2016 onto the morning of Monday 12/12/2016 there were a total of 4 shed breaks across the North Cotswold in which a total of 6 chainsaws were stolen. Watchwords are in the process of being sent to the relevant local NHW groups; however this watchword is both to raise awareness of shed security across the whole area, and to request you remain alert for people attempting to sell chainsaws.

If you come across any information that could be of help in apprehending the culprits, please phone 101 and quote Incident 47 of 12/12/2016.

Burglary Blind Lane

Subject: PCSO Mel Oliveira ~ Chipping Campden Burglar

At 20:00 on Tuesday 13/12/2016, person, or persons unknown have entered the rear garden of a property in Blind Lane Chipping Campden. The perpetrator(s) used a ladder to access a first floor bedroom dormer window at the rear of the property, forced it and entered the property. It is known that they stole a quantity of silver cutlery in a purple wrap; however, at this time, it is not known whether anything else was taken. If you have any information that could help, please phone 101 and quote Incident 489 of 13/12/2016.
Please reinforce amongst your neighbours, the importance of not making it obvious when a property is temporarily unoccupied. The use of timers for lights and other electrical appliances, together with help from neighbours will help reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

Willersey Burglary

 PCSO Adrian Palmer ~ Willersey Burglary
Between 08:00 and 19:30 on Friday 02/12/2016, person, or persons unknown have used a screwdriver or similar instrument to force open a rear downstairs window at a property in Field Lane Willersey. The perpetrators searched the house and stole a small quantity of jewellery. If you have any information that could help, please phone 101 and quote Incident 393 of 02/02/2016.

Equally, please reinforce amongst your neighbours, the importance of not making it obvious when people are away from your property. The use of timers for lights and other electrical appliances will reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

ATM raid Bourton on the Water

 PCSO Mel Oliveira ~ Bourton on the Water ATM raid
Between 03:00 and 04:00 on the morning of Friday 02/12/2016, person, or persons unknown stole a JCB from a local farm, loaded it onto another vehicle and took it to the Co-op Food Store on Station Rd in Bourton on the Water. There they then used it to pull the ATM out of wall and before loading the ATM in to a stolen Landrover Defender and making off; they left the JCB at the store. If you have any information that could help, please phone 101 and quote Incident 22 of 02/02/2016.

Equally, please reinforce amongst your neighbours, the importance of proper security for large farm machinery. Although the JCB was recovered, this vehicle has had to be seized by Police for forensic and evidential reasons; consequently it cannot be returned immediately.

Recent Burglaries

Subject: Message from Stow on the Wold Police Station reference recent burglaries

There has been a series of four burglaries between 2nd and 5th November across the northern Parishes of the Cotswolds:

 On the night of 2nd/3rd November, burglars crowbarred open the front window to gain access to a property in Draycott; fortunately nothing was taken (Incident 162 of 03/11/2016).

 On 3rd/4th November, burglars broke the front window to gain access to a property in Weston Subedge and the owner’s wallet was taken (Incident 47 of 04/11/2016).

 On 3rd/4th November, burglars forced the front window of a property in Cider Mill Ln, Chipping Campden; unfortunately at the time of sending this watchword, we are unaware what has been taken (Incident 67 of 05/11/2016).

 Between  3rd and 5th November burglars broke in through the back door/conservatory to the rear of a property in the High St, Mickleton and have taken jewellery and a Boss radio-cd player (Incident 169 of 05/11/2016).

 Although these burglaries were spread over 4 Parishes, it is imperative we remain alert to suspicious activity by people scouting the area for potential targets.

 Should you have seen any suspicious activity that may relate to these, or any potential future burglaries, please contact 101 with the information. 

 Your continued help and support is a vital part of tackling crime in the Cotswolds and is greatly appreciated.

Willersey Burglary

This is a message from the Stow area Local Policing Team.
Sometime between 1600hrs on Sat 22 October and 1600hrs on Sunday 23 October, a property was burgled in the Collin Close area of Willersey. Unknown offender/s gained entry by smashing the rear patio windows.
Please report any information regarding this or any other crime to police on the 101 number, or by e-mail at 101@gloucestershire.police.uk   Incident 335/23.10 refers.
(End of message).
Stow Police Station, High Street, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos, GL54 1DL
Direct:  01452 907273

Force Control Room 101


Break in Stow

This is a message from the Stow Area Local Policing Team.
Sometime overnight between 1730hrs Fri 21 October and 0900hrs Sat 22 October, a house in the Sterling Close area of Stow was broken in to.
Unknown offenders entered the property by smashing the rear patio door glass.
Please report any information regarding this or any other crime to police on the 101 number, or by e-mail at 101@gloucestershire.police.uk
A general tip:
With the change of clocks coming up and the onset of darker evenings, please remember to use timers on some of your household lights. This is particularly important in the gap when it gets dark, but before people have returned home from work.
Always remove keys from doors, even though they are locked.
(End of message).
Stow Police Station, High Street, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos, GL54 1DL
Direct:  01452 907273
Force Control Room 101



HMRC hoax

Neighbourhood Watch Message

From Jo Batt

Suspected Telephone Scams

There were two incidents of suspected telephone scams reported to the police on 17th October.


An elderly lady in Stonehouse was contacted by telephone by a female with a foreign accent who claimed that they owed the HM Revenue and Customs £1286 for unpaid taxes from 2005 and 2006.  The caller also stated that a warrant had been issued for her arrest and she was given a number to call and a reference number to quote.  The matter has been reported to Action Fraud as it is believed to be a hoax.


A similar incident took place in Matson Gloucester when at about midday another lady received a call from a man calling himself Peter who claimed to be from HM Revenue and Customs.  He stated the lady owed £1286 in unpaid taxes but could pay using £500 of iTunes vouchers and that someone would call and collect the vouchers and advise on how to pay the remaining balance. The lady was advised not to tell anyone or they would be arrested and if they went to court they would be paying £47,000. The caller then said someone would ring back in an hour to confirm the lady had the voucher.  No further call was received.


Please be aware that the HM Revenue and Customs will not contact you out of the blue like this regarding any tax arrears. Don’t give out private information (such as bank details or passwords), reply to text messages, download attachments or click on any links in emails if you’re not sure they’re genuine.


Report any attempted scam like this to Action Fraud at http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ or by calling 0300 123 2040



This is the end of the message


Stroud Police Station, Parliament Street, Stroud, Glos,GL5 1QQ

Personal 01452 753545

Group 01452 753500

Force Control Room 101



Twitter page  – Facebook page


PCSO Adrian Palmer ~ This is a message from the Stow area Local Policing Team (update)

Further to the message of 9th October about the burglaries between 5th & 7th October in Chipping Campden and Longborough, there was also a burglary in Granbrook Lane Mickleton. This one was reported on 5th October and followed a similar modus operandi to the one that took place in Chipping Campden.

Please report any information regarding this, or any other crimes to the police by ringing 101, or by e-mail at 101@gloucestershire.police.uk