Hirers (or User Groups) play a key role in ensuring a safe environment by operating in a way that maintains our health and safety standards.  The policy statements and conditions of hire set out below seek to support hirers and a nominated user is required to sign the above acknowledgement of responsibility to maintain these conditions, as part of their hall booking contract.  They, or their representative, are then responsible for the health & safety of the group and any damage sustained by the building or contents during their use of the hall facility.

Conditions of Hire including Health & Safety

1. The hall does not have a telephone and User Groups are advised to have a mobile phone for any emergency. An Emergency Action List is to be found on the notice board.

2. No activities are allowed which involve danger to the public.  No obvious fire hazards are allowed on the premises.  No unauthorised heating appliances are to be used.  No hazardous substances (as regulated by COSHH) are to be used or stored in the hall.  No highly flammable substances shall be brought into or used in any part of the premises.  No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton, etc) shall be undertaken or erected without permission of the Management Council.

3. The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to a member of the Village Hall Management Council as soon as possible and complete an “Accident Report Form” (found in the main kitchen drawer).  Any failure of equipment belonging to the Village Hall must be reported as soon as possible.

Regarding safe escape in the event of fire

4. Users should acquaint themselves with all exits and these must be kept clear (internal and external) at all times such as not to impede emergency evacuation.  The seating capacity for the hall is 100.  For any major events involving numbers exceeding 40, the hirer must check that all exits are unobstructed – this includes checking that emergency exits are unlocked and functional as intended.

5. In the event of an outbreak of fire, however slight, the building must be evacuated immediately without delay to pick up belongings – fire extinguishers are provided at all exits to assist in clearing a path for emergency exit.  The Meeting Point is in the car park area at the Bowling Club – take care crossing the brook.  Wherever feasible and safe to do so, doors and windows should be closed to reduce the spread of the fire.  The Fire Service should then be called on 999. If the adjacent bar is occupied its users should be alerted to the fire danger, and also evacuated.

Alcohol consumption on premises

6.  Consumption of alcohol must be authorised prior to using the hall by the Designated Premises Supervisor (bar), who will ensure that the licensing objectives are satisfied.  Any alcohol to be served at parties and functions are to be purchased from the village bar. (This can be a bulk purchase where the drinks are dispensed by the party/function organiser),

7.  Security at parties for persons aged 21 and under will be agreed with the Hall Council and a responsible person must be nominated to supervise such parties

Safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk

8. You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and adults at risk are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation.

When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent harm, and to respond appropriately when harm does occur. Relevant concerns must be reported. The full Village Hall Safeguarding Policy is available on the village website and on the hall noticeboard. This includes the contact details for our Safeguarding Officer.

Use of Butlers Kitchen ( main kitchen not Available)

9. Any hirer intending to provide catering (beyond cold or hot drinks and cold proprietary packaged biscuits/cakes) is advised to contact Cotswold District Council Food Safety Team and follow their guidelines.

10. The small oven, microwave and fridge are normally kept switched off – arrangements for their operation are displayed on a poster in the kitchen.

11. Care must be taken when preparing and using boiling water and handling hot utensils or appliances.  The oven/microwave should be supervised at all times.  It remains hot well after being turned off.

12. The kitchen and utensils should be left in a hygienic state – usable by the next booking.  Cleaning facilities are provided – generally stored under the kitchen sink, and in the storage room behind the stage.  If the kitchen has been left in an unhygienic state by a previous booking it must be reported to the Council.  The Management Council cannot be held responsible for the condition of the kitchen from the previous booking.

General Points

13. Hirers must remove all food and rubbish at the end of their booking. and leave the Hall in the condition it was found in

14. Non-regular hirers will be required to provide a Damage/Cancellation Deposit at the time of booking the hall, this will be refunded on a satisfactory return of the hall to its original condition, that is with no excessive cleaning requirement or breakages. Any breakages will be charged to the hirer at cost. If the booking is cancelled within 4 weeks of the proposed date then the booking deposit will be retained (equivalent to the hire cost).

15. Non-regular hirers will be required to provide the booking fee at the time of booking.

16. A First Aid Box is provided by the Hall and is located in the butler’s kitchen. An additional First Aid Box is available in the entrance hallway.

17. The central heating is turned on/off by a key switch located by the kitchen hatch  (RHS) and the thermostat is in the hall to the right of the kitchen door.

18. No safety electrical or gas equipment must be tampered with.  If any faults are observed they must be reported as soon as practical to the Management Council.

19. In the event of a power failure – an emergency lighting supply is automatically triggered to illuminate exit routes.  The illuminated ‘exit’ signs must be turned on manually when the premises are occupied by more than 40 people.

20. Children are to be supervised at all times.  The hall has many features such as a kitchen, a stage and storage cupboards that, while necessary for hall activities, may become hazardous due to careless or unacceptable behaviour.

21. Users are requested to care for the wooden floor at all times. For example: please do not drag tables/chairs across the floor.

22. The Hall chairs are stacked in the alcoves in the hall,Care must be taken moving furniture in and out of this area and all items must be stored such as to avoid accidents from over-stacking.  (No more than 10 chairs).  Chairs should not be stored in the rear committee room. gold frame chairs to be stacked together and bronze frame chairs to be stacked together (DO NOT MIX)

23. Users are responsible for the safe operation of all equipment they bring into the Hall.  Electrical equipment must be used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. No electrical equipment is to be stored in the Hall such that other user groups could mistake it for equipment provided as part of the hall booking.

24. Any users needing to trail cables across the floor should minimise this need and should take care not to create tripping hazards.

25. A detailed Risk Analysis is available from the Management Council, which is not responsible for your activities, which you are supervising; the council therefore strongly recommend that you have appropriate insurance cover.

26. Please observe the Exit Check List on leaving the building ensuring the doors and windows are shut and locked and return the keys to where you obtained them.

27. Please note: anyone who has previously been banned from the hall or bar area will not be allowed to book either the hall or bar for ANY private function.

28. Private or open parties for 15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 year old persons is at the discretion of the Hall Council, and may incur a larger breakage deposit.

29. The hall management council reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee.

Updated July 2024