Mini Wes Fes June 22 2024

Mini Wes Fest! Saturday 22 June

Lots to enjoy at the Mini Wes Fes including Stalls, Bouncy Castle, Aunty Sally, Games, Tombola, Crafts, Tea & Cake, Ice-cream, BBQ, Outside Bar, Music. 1.30pm to 5.30

Followed by Live Music 6pm – 10pm

At the Bowling Green and Village Hall Weston Sub Edge

Village Hall

Weston Sub Edge April Events

What’s new for April? Spring has sprung and the village has emerged from hibernation!
  • The ever popular walking football is back on Thursdays for those who need a little gentle exercise and an opportunity to carouse a little in the village bar!
  • More outdoor fun aimed at the little people with Muddy Church on 14th April. The theme is water – as if you hadn’t had enough!
  • The community tea and coffee morning is on the 8th April – catch up with all your village friends and find out about …. well all sorts of things I couldn’t possibly mention here!
  • The U3A is talking about War Memorials on 2nd April – specifically the Arts and Crafts ones.
  • You know you only get “One Life” so we have the excellent Anthony Hopkins in the film of the same name on 25th April. Why not book for dinner at the Village Bar beforehand?
  • On the 28th there is the opportunity to repair yourself spiritually with Holy Communion at the Church.
  • And of course you can repair yourself physically and mentally with Keep Fit, Yoga and Zumba on a weekly basis.
…at least you might be fit enough to catch the dog if it pays no attention at the dog training classes……
Here’s the full calendar and by the way the hall is very reasonable to hire by the hour. It’s available for much of the Easter Weekend, for various time slots during the week and often on Sundays. Check here to book online:
A person sitting in a cinema


Oppenheimer, Rural Cinema at the Village Hall.  Thursday  28th March 7:00pm – Early Start!

CCTV Launch Event

Article written by Cotswold District Council Jan 2024

Cameras have been installed throughout Weston Sub-Edge with the help of the Cotswold Community Safety Partnership to deter crime and reassure residents.

After a series of car thefts and break-ins, residents were feeling worried about their safety and brought their concerns to the Parish Council.  

Cotswold District Council, as part of the Cotswold Community Safety Partnership, allocated the Parish Council £8,300 to bring their CCTV proposal to life using funding from the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund which is awarded through Gloucestershire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. 

Cllr Lisa Spivey, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety, said, “I’m so pleased that the District Council have been able to make this happen through the Safer Streets Fund. It is definitely a worthwhile project that will help residents feel safe in their village. 

“The Safer Streets Fund is so important to enable us to support our residents and ensure our communities feel safe. Thank you to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for securing this funding, it really will make a huge difference to funding projects across our district!” 

Weston Sub-Edge Parish Council put together the proposal for CCTV throughout the village to help reassure residents and deter crime. 

The CCTV was installed at the end of last year and is now up and running smoothly. Weston Sub-Edge now has multiple high definition CCTV cameras dotted around the village along with ANPR technology. If any crimes are caught on the cameras, they will be reported to the Police to deal with appropriately. A launch event was held for the village on 18 January 2024. 

Find out more and watch the video here : CCTV installed in rural Cotswolds after a series of car thefts and break-ins

Weston-sub-Edge Parish Council Meeting DATES 2024

Weston-sub-Edge Parish Council Meetings usually take place on every 4th Tuesday in the month.   They take place at Weston-sub-Edge Village Bar at 7.30pm. 

Members of the public are more than welcome to attend.  The members of the council welcome your views. 

Tuesday 23 January

Tuesday 27 February

Tuesday 26 March

Tuesday 23 April

Tuesday 21 May – Parish Annual Meeting & Parish Meeting

Tuesday 25 June

Tuesday 23 July

No meeting August

Tuesday 24 September

Tuesday 22 October

Tuesday 26 November

No meeting December

Keep up-to-date with news from the parish council at
Contact the Parish Clerk


To the members of the Parish Council  15 /1 /202

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Weston-sub-Edge parish council to be held at the Village Hall Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 7.30pm.

Yours sincerely, Parish Clerk


  1. To give councillors the opportunity to make declarations of interest on items on the agenda

  2.0      To receive notice of absence from councillors

  3.0      To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 28.11.23

  4.0      To receive reports from the county and district councillors

  •         Planning matters:

  6.0     Finance
6.1    To receive financial statement and bank reconciliation
6.2    To approve payments due:  
        Clerk’s salary                HMRC PAYE
        Weston Sub Edge Village Hall Hire

            6.3    Approve Precept 2024/25

7.0   To review village matters:
7.1 Heavy Traffic through village, Highways update of maintenance issues & Honeybourne     Cross roads, White Gates, ASW Camera.
7.2 Recreation Ground maintenance, inspection record review
7.3 Flood protection
7.4 Communications update – Village Website
7.5 Village Community plan
7.6 Village allotments
7.7 Footpaths and Stiles maintenance and improvements
7.8 Village Hall update
7.9 Church Orchard update and protection
7.10 Parish Security; Neighbourhood Watch and CCTV surveillance; cleaning cameras

 8.0       To note matters arising from minutes of previous meetings not covered on the agenda

 9.0       To note correspondence received since last meeting for information


October , November 100 club winners


£25 : 114 Esme Barnett

£10 : 45 Sandra Vale
£10 : 75 Frankie Haydon
£10 : 157 Bridget Tossell
£10 : 30 Chris Hurley
£10 : 117 Brenda Ward- Millar
£10 : 265 George McAllister

£5: 250 Mary Hudson-Evans
£5: 148 Kathy Ketley
£5: 64 Jacquie Jelley
£5: 273 John Rapson
£5: 15 Jean Hughes
£5: 37 Simon Lampitt

£25: 9 Winnie Hudson -Evans

£10: 152 Lorna Oswell
£10: 289 Pat Turner
£10: 128 Eddy Hoksbergen
£10: 40 Maisie Catternach
£10: 155 Sean Scanlon
£10: 94 Matt Jackson

£5: 121 Anne Lampitt
£5: 199 Lucy Gales
£5: 18 David Rawsthorne
£5: 272 Oliver Whitehouse
£5: 70 Rebecca McAllister
£5: 127 Steve Bate


To the members of the Parish Council  21 /11 /2023

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Weston-sub-Edge parish council to be held at the Village Hall Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 7.30pm.

Yours sincerely, Parish Clerk


  1. To give councillors the opportunity to make declarations of interest on items on the agenda

  2.0     To receive notice of absence from councillors

  3.0     To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 24.10.23

  4.0     To receive reports from the county and district councillors 

5.0 Planning matters:

>23/03566/FUL | Change of use of holiday let to an independent dwelling (retrospective) | Hirons Piece Weston Subedge Chipping Campden Gloucestershire GL55 6QU
>23/02806/LBC | Demolition of rear kitchen wall, erection of single storey rear extension and other associated works | 21 Church Street Weston Subedge Chipping Campden Gloucestershire GL55 6QT
>Response to Long Marston Planning application ref Traffic – coordination with other parishes

6.0     Finance
6.1    To receive financial statement and bank reconciliation

6.2 To approve payments due:   clerk’s salary                                                                                  HMRC PAYE
                                Weston Sub Edge Village Hall Hire
                                Maurice Parkinson Contract Services
                                 AEL Ltd                                    
                                 Christmas Tree Topps
                                 Mike Sinclair Tree Removal Allotments

7.0   To review village matters:
7.1 Heavy Traffic through village, Highways update of maintenance issues & Honeybourne     Cross roads, White Gates, ANPR camera, ASW Camera siting visit.
7.2 Recreation Ground maintenance, inspection record review
7.3 Flood protection
7.4 Communications update – Village Website
7.5 Village Community plan
7.6 Village allotments
7.7 Footpaths and Stiles maintenance and improvements
7.8 Village Hall update
7.9 Church Orchard update and protection
7.10 Parish Security; Neighbourhood Watch and CCTV surveillance

 8.0      To note matters arising from minutes of previous meetings not covered on the agenda

 9.0      To note correspondence received since last meeting for information


Lucy Print, Forge House, Weston sub Edge,

100 Club Winners – August & September


£25 269 Lily Bone

£10 221 Nigel Payne
£10 133 Louise Catternach
£10 199 Lucy Gales
£10 55 John Hayfield
£10 33 Wendy Clarke
£10 29 Jane Jordan

£5 99 Jake Robbins
£5 164 David Cowie
£5 145 George Saunders
£5 173 Jeff Weaver
£5 194 Nick Deverall-Smith
£5 21 Rupert Brice


£25 259 Peter Roberts

£10 233 Alan Pritchard
£10 286 Harley McMinn
£10 165 Lucy Billiard
£10 42 Vicky Rose
£10 263 Julie Richards
£10 217 Lyndsey Adams

£5 122 Gwynn Jenkins
£5 1 Stephen Barnett
£5 195 Anna Weaver
£5 169 Cheryl Johnson
£5 148 Kathy Ketley
£5 40 Maisie Catternach

Weston-sub-Edge parish council to be held at the Village Hall Bar Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 7.30pm


1.0 To give councillors the opportunity to make declarations of interest on items on the agenda
2.0 To receive notice of absence from councillors
3.0 To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 27.06.23
4.0 To receive reports from the county and district councillors
5.0 Planning matters:
 Full Application for Erection of 3No. dwellings at Land South Of Meadows Side Church Street Weston Subedge Gloucestershire Ref: 23/02007/FUL
 23/01522/FUL Proposed conservation lake at Norton Hall Mickleton
 23/00691/FUL | Re-opening of a historic access to an agricultural field
 Top Farm Weston Subedge, GL55 6QU Ref. No: 22/04339/FUL & Ref. No: 22/04340/LBC

6.0 Finance 

6.1 To receive financial statement and bank reconciliation
6.2 To approve payments due: clerk’s salary for July HMRC PAYE
Weston Sub Edge Village Hall Hire
Maurice Parkinson Contract Services
Goodwill gesture for Auditor

7.0 To review village matters:
7.1 Heavy Traffic through village, Highways update of maintenance issues & Honeybourne Cross roads, White Gates, ANPR camera
7.2 Recreation Ground maintenance, inspection record review
7.3 Flood protection
7.4 Communications update – Village Website renewal/rebuild
7.5 Village Improvement projects – Parish questionnaire results
7.6 Village allotments
7.7 Footpaths and Stiles maintenance and improvements
7.8 Village Hall update.
7.9 Church Orchard update and protection
7.10 Parish Security; Neighbourhood Watch and CCTV surveillance

8.0 To note matters arising from minutes of previous meetings not covered on the agenda
9.0 To note correspondence received since last meeting for information