Fish Sellers

This is  a message from the North Cotswolds Local Policing Team.
Due to recent incidents in the Bourton and Northleach area we have been made aware of door to door Fish sellers.
It has come to our attention these people are selling fish overpriced and maybe misleading customers.
In a recent incident that I attended, ALL the fish “use by dates” were for the day that they were purchased.
The phone number is invalid.
We ask everyone to be very  cautious when buying from door to door sales people. If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.
The males are described as white, mid 50’s with a North East British accent.
Usually the vehicle is out of sight.
We have limited information and would like to ask all co-ordinators to please call 101 if you see door to door fish sellers in the area.
Your help is much appreciated
PCSO Mel Oliveira

Please report any information regarding these or any other crimes to the police by ringing 101 or by email on

Stow Police Station, High Street, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos, GL54 1DL

Direct:  01242 247273

Force Control Room 101