*100* Club 2017-18

We are fortunate to still have one of the best Village Halls in the County and we all to need to ensure that it doesn’t follow the fate of the village school, shop and post office, all of which have been closed in recent years.

The Hall provides vital facilities for many functions that are the life blood of the Village. As a Grade II Listed Building, the Hall Council is faced with the ongoing cost of general maintenance and improvements to meet the changing needs of the community.

To provide a source of regular income, the Hall Council run a ‘100 Club’ which, in exchange for an annual subscription of £12, offers the chance of monthly prizes, Currently there are eleven monthly prizes of £25, £10 and £5, with the Christmas Grand draw offering £100, £25, £10 and two of £5.

The policy is to give away approximately half the subscription income as prizes. We are not limited to just 100 members, so the more who join, the greater the value of the prizes.

Present subscriptions run until 31st April. Watch out for renewal details in the April edition of the Messenger, but in the meantime if you are not yet a member and have any queries, or would like to arrange for us to call and collect your subscription, please contact Tony or Valerie Kemp at Collis House, telephone 01386 840696 or email tonykemp@clara.co.uk . Any Cheques issued now will not be cashed until April 2017.  Cheques payable to  WESTON SUBEDGE VILLAGE HALL