PC Notes Aug 2019
A brief shower across lunchtime had members of the Parish Council biting their nails on Saturday 7th September but the sun eventually shone to welcome all those who came to enjoy an afternoon of fun, food and drink on the Recreation Ground. The bouncy castle was a great hit with the children and the bungee run entertaining adults and children alike, the former probably being the more competitive. The coconut shy was a draw for the children but also for grandparents more used to bowling to youngsters in the garden, but their tactics proved very successful. Members of the Safehaven Parrot Refuge on Weston Road were a welcome addition to the festivities and we hope to see them and their beautiful birds in the future. A huge “thank you” is in order for everyone who contributed to a very enjoyable afternoon.
For several months dog fouling around the village has been only a minor problem but, in the last few weeks, there have been more incidences of fouling on footpaths and verges. If you are a dog owner, please ensure that you act responsibly. If you see examples of dog fouling, please be willing to name and shame by contacting the Parish Clerk on wseparishclerk@gmail.com.
The sun and rain has caused rapid growth of vegetation round the parish. Residents are requested to check for branches overhanging footpaths and cut them back as soon as possible. We would like all our paths to be accessible to everyone.
Thank you to all those who have contributed books to, and borrowed from, the phone box Book Exchange on Church Street. It is being well supported and will, hopefully, open new horizons for members of the community.
The Parish Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Bar at the Village Hall. The only exceptions are August and December. Meetings are open to all residents, other than occasionally when business of a confidential nature is discussed. Agendas are posted on the notice board in the bus shelter and on the village website about a week prior to each meeting. Councillors would be delighted to see more members of the public in attendance and would welcome more contributions to public question time. Any issues of concern can be raised.
Future meetings in 2019 are scheduled for: 24th September
22nd October 26th November