Weston subedge christmas fair

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All events open to villagers and non-villagers. The Village Hall is on the Evesham Road GL55 6QJ Opposite Hartwells.

Christmas Fair in aid of Church Funds Sunday 18th December 11 to 2:30pm at the Village Hall.               

 Contact Jacqui Jelley via Facebook Messenger to donate prizes or for a stall. 

Gifts: Bath Bombs: Bookmarks: Gnomes: Christmas Decorations for the tree and table: Hair accessories: Children’s jewellery: Tombola: Raffle: Cakes & Christmas Fare; Refreshments and much more!

Family Christmas Eve Carol Service Saturday 24th December 6:00pm at The Village Hall                  

Come and see the Christmas Tree. Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. Bring your angelic voices!

Film “Return of the Railway Children” Thursday 26th January 7:30pm – for all the family.    

At the Village Hall. Tickets £5 per person on the door. Why not make a night of it and book your evening meal beforehand at the Village Bar from 5:00pm?

Chase Away the Winter Blues at the Family Quiz! At the Village Hall.*FOOD* RAFFLE* PRIZES* 

Friday 27th January 2023 7:00pm for 7:30pm Teams of up to 8  Don’t worry if you don’t have a team just come along and we’ll find you some clever people! 

Tickets £TBA adults or £7.50 for children – available from the WSE Village Facebook Page nearer the time.

Keep FitDanny Jordanjordansfarm@btinternet.com07733221134
U3AShirley Sagarshirssagar@aol.com01386 849168
PilatesSarah Brookessarah@sb-personaltrainer.com07967040916
AuctionMick Beasleyy.beasley@btinternet.com07548258686
Seniors Coffee MorningSue Prestagesue.prestage@gmail.com07710 998361
ZumbaLesley Johnsonlesleyjohnson582@gmail.com07950602609
Carol Service & Xmas FairJacqueline Jelleyjacquelinejelley@gmail.com07415 718681
keep FitMonday19 December4pm to 5pm
PilatesWednesday21 December12:30pm to 13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday21 December6:30pm to 7:30pm
Carols at the Village HallSaturday24 December6:00pm to 7:30pm
PilatesWednesday28 December12:30pm -13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday28 December6:30pm to 7:30pm
Keep FitMonday02 January4pm to 5pm
PilatesWednesday04 January12:30pm -13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday04 January6:30pm to 7:30pm
Seniors Coffee MorningMonday09 January10am to 12 midday
Keep FitMonday09 January4pm to 5pm
PilatesWednesday11 January12:30pm -13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday11 January6:30pm to 7:30pm
Keep FitMonday16 January4pm to 5pm
PilatesWednesday18 January12:30pm -13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday18 January6:30pm to 7:30pm
Auction Drop OffThursday19 January11:00-17:00
Auction ViewingFriday20 JanuaryFrom 12 midday
Auction SaleFriday20 JanuaryFrom 6:00pm
Keep FitMonday23 January4pm to 5pm
Parish Council MeetingTuesday24 January7pm
PilatesWednesday25 January12:30pm -13:15pm
ZumbaWednesday25 January6:30pm to 7:30pm
Cinema Railway ChildrenThursday26 January7:30pm
Quiz – Chase away Winter.Friday27 January7:00pm
Keep FitMonday30 January4pm to 5pm

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Village Hall Council!