[gview file=”http://www.westonsubedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Youth-Club-poster21.pdf”]
Weston sub-Edge Youth Club meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month between 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Members enjoy a wide range of activities and Sue Stanier, our leader, has an exciting programme planned. New members between 9 and 18 years both from the village and from the surrounding area are always welcome. Join the Club and make new friends. Subscriptions are £1.00 per meeting and drinks and sweets are on sale. For more information, contact Chris Rossington on 01386 849316 or Sue on 07555 649056.
. We are fortunate this year to have the assistance of Jacob Greenslade, a one time member of the club, who has come back to help out as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.
Our leader, Sue Stanier, has introduced a scheme of awards with end of term and year prizes in an attempt to incentivise the young people to take more responsibility for their club and activities in the village.
The Club is subsidised by the Parish Council and by grants from Cotswold District Council. Subscriptions are £1.00 per meeting and drinks and sweets are on sale. For more information, contact Chris Rossington on 01386 849316.
This is a crucial term for the Youth Club. New members are urgently needed to avoid closure of the club at Christmas. We are considering changing meeting times to 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. and would like to hear your views regarding this proposal.
Programme for this term:
5th October – Animal Day – create an animal in lots of fun ways
19th October – Diwali activities
2nd November – Bonfire fun
16th November – Thanksgiving
7th December – It’s nearly Christmas!
There will be no meetings during the summer holiday. The next Youth Club will be on Thursday 21st September
Young Gloucestershire website click here